SIG Event: Speed up drug development and check drug efficacy using Raman-Trapping- Microscopy
BioMed X’s Special Interest Groups ‘Tools & Methods’ invites CellTool to present: Label-free and fast single cell analysis using Raman-Trapping-Microscopy
CellTool’s BioRam® is a Raman-Trapping-Microscope that analyses cells in a fast, highly sensitive and label-free manner. Solely based on the interaction of photons with biomolecules of a cell Raman spectroscopy provides multi-omics information about the composition of molecules within the entire cell. There is no need of staining or labeling, which allows non-invasive cell analysis keeping cells vital for further analysis. In addition, antibodies are confined to the cell surface, often lack specificity or are simply not available for certain cell types or cell states. Thus, BioRam® is the ideal platform for novel cell analyses, advanced drug screening, early medical information or efficient quality assurance of cell-based products.
Applications of the Raman-Trapping-Microscopy are very versatile. Single cells within fluids, 2D-cell cultures as well as within 3D- tissues or spheres can be analyzed. Only about 100 cells are sufficient for a complete analysis, which takes only minutes. Reaction of tumor cells on drugs within 3D-spheroids can be monitored in-line and even single cell kinetics of drug reaction is possible saving time and costs. A special feature of BioRam® is the integrated optical trap that enables to analyze floating or motile specimen in solution such as small cells, bacteria and even exosomes or viruses within their physiological environment.
With BioRam® Raman spectroscopy is as easy as routine microscopy and biological relevant statistical evaluation becomes possible on-the-push-of-a-button using CellTool’s proprietary statistical analysis software CT-RamSES. CellTool’s service lab allows clients to order measurements or to carry out their own projects.
We kindly invite you to
- See how easy Raman gives you entire new insights in to cells and their behavior
- Learn how to analyze and characterize cells in a fast, highly sensitive and label- free manner
Come and join our Webinar:
Label-free and fast single cell analysis using Raman-Trapping-Microscopy
Time: 16:00-17:00, July 7th, 2020
Registration: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting / Conference ID: 867 331 635#
For any further questions please contact Dr. Jing Zhang