In the Media
Are you looking for the latest media coverage of the BioMed X Institute, its research projects and people behind the innovation model? Here you will find the latest clippings – hot off the press!
Unravelling New Disease Biology at the Interface Between Academia and the Pharma Industry
European Biopharmaceutical Review
Making the case for focusing investments on drug discovery over development. What are some of the innovation models that have thrived, and what are the key success factors in those models?
Ein Pionier der translationalen biomedizinischen Forschung – Das BioMed X Institut in Heidelberg
BioDeutschland Jahrbuch 2021/2022
Meilensteine in der Medizin sind meist das Ergebnis von in- novativer, kreativer und risikoreicher Forschung. Eines der füh- renden Zentren in Deutschland an der Schnittstelle zwischen akademischer und industrieller biomedizinischer Forschung ist das BioMed X Institut in Heidelberg.
Big pharma finds Israel’s drug development role
AION Labs will set Israeli computing talent to solving international pharma companies’ problems. CEO Mati Gill and adviser Christian Tidona explain.
Merck, BioMedX Institute collaboratively complete 4th project in Oncology
Medical Dialogues
German independent research institute BioMed X has recently announced the successful completion of the research project DNA Damage in Cancer (DDC) in collaboration with Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.
Seeding Biomedical Innovations
Business Focus Magazine
BioMed X is an independant research institue located within the campus environment of the university of Heidelberg in Germany.
AION Labs’ Challenge To AI Drug Development Innovators
BioProcess Online
Mati Gill’s exposure to the power of pharma collaboration can’t be overstated. During his 11 years as COO of the Global Legal Group, and later, head of government affairs, corporate & international markets at Teva Pharmaceuticals, he was exposed to virtually every aspect of the business.
Call for application: AI for antibody design
Drug Discovery World
German independent research institute BioMed X has announced the launch of a global call for application to identify biomedical scientists and inventors to form a new startup at AION Labs’, Israel. The company spearheads the adoption of AI technologies and computational science to solve therapeutic challenges.
An Israeli Lab Tests A Unique Way Of Collaborating and Scaling AI
The Innovator News
A new lab formed by four pharmaceutical companies, a German biomedical research institute, a venture capital firm, and Amazon Web Services is creating a radically different model for drug discovery that could become a blueprint for how companies collaborate, scale AI and work with startups in future.
Pfizer, Merck, and AstraZeneca back Israeli innovation hub for AI in drug discovery
AI Business
AWS has joined pharma giants AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Merck, and Teva to launch AION Labs – an innovation hub designed to develop AI for use in drug discovery.
AION Labs spots ‘unique opportunity’ for AI-driven antibody discovery
Biopharma Reporter
AION Labs, a new innovation lab spearheading the adoption of AI technologies and computational science to solve therapeutic challenges, has announced a global call for application to identify biomedical scientists and inventors to form a new startup at its headquarters in Rehovot, Israel.
AI design antibody for start-ups required by open call for participants «Science and companies
The International Consortium is seeking a team of scientists to use algorithms to design new therapeutic antibodies and to set up and fund start-ups. AION Lab, A coalition of pharmaceutical and technology companies in Israel, Europe, and the United States, and BioMed X, The German Institute of Biomedical Sciences, which connects the academic lab and the industry, sponsors a crowdsourcing…
AI-Designed Antibodies for Start-Up Sought in Open Call
Science & Enterprise
An international consortium is seeking teams of scientists using algorithms to design new therapeutic antibodies, to form and fund a start-up company. AION Labs, a coalition of Israeli, European, and American pharmaceutical and technology companies, and BioMed X, a biomedical research institute in Germany connecting academic labs to industry, are sponsoring the crowd-sourcing competition.
Global Roundup: Newly-Launched AION Forms Startup in Israel
Less than one week after the launch of Amazon and big pharma-backed AION Labs, the AI-focused organization has partnered with Germany’s BioMedX to identify biomedical scientists and inventors to form a new startup at AION Labs’ headquarters in Rehovot, Israel.
Amazon’s freshly launched innovation hub to use AI in antibody design
Becker's Health It
AION Labs, the artificial intelligence innovation hub backed by Amazon Web Services and other leading pharmaceutical companies, is seeking to use AI to find antibodies.
Coalition of pharma and tech leaders launches to improve drug development with AI
European Pharmaceutical Manufacturer
A new alliance consisting of pharmaceutical companies and investment organisations has officially launched to spearhead the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to help solve drug discovery and development challenges.
Four big pharma companies team up in AI initiative focused on drug R&D
MedCity News
A new startup initiative in Israel aims to create and invest in startups that use artificial intelligence to address challenges in drug discovery and development. Called AION Labs, this innovation lab stems from an economic development effort from the Israeli government and will have contributions from AstraZeneca, Merck, Pfizer and Teva Pharmaceutical.
AstraZeneca, Merck KGaA, Pfizer, and Teva Team up with Tech and Investment Leaders to Launch New Biotech Innovation Lab
BioPharm International
AION Labs will be a first-of-its-kind AI/pharma and computational biology innovation lab aimed at spearheading the adoption of AI technologies and computational science.
Amazon and big pharma unite to propel AI innovation in therapeutics
Pharma Live
Four leading pharmaceutical companies partnered with Amazon Web Services and Israel Biotech Fund to launch AION Labs, an innovative space that will allow drug developers to harness artificial intelligence technologies and computational science to solve therapeutic challenges.
AstraZeneca, Merck KGaA, Pfizer, and Teva Team up with Tech and Investment Leaders to Launch New Biotech Innovation Lab
AION Labs will be a first-of-its-kind AI/pharma and computational biology innovation lab aimed at spearheading the adoption of AI technologies and computational science.
Amazon and Big Pharma Unite to Propel AI Innovation in Therapeutics
Four leading pharmaceutical companies partnered with Amazon Web Services and Israel Biotech Fund to launch AION Labs, an innovative space that will allow drug developers to harness artificial intelligence technologies and computational science to solve therapeutic challenges.
AWS and pharma heavyweights join forces on AI-based drug discovery lab
Drug Discovery & Development
The goal of using artificial intelligence to transform drug discovery and development may not be novel. But a new alliance is unique in both the stature of companies belonging to it and its choice of an innovation model.