In the Media
Are you looking for the latest media coverage of the BioMed X Institute, its research projects and people behind the innovation model? Here you will find the latest clippings – hot off the press!
BioMed X and Janssen Start Up Research Programs in Autoimmunity and Drug Delivery
BioMed X has partnered with Janssen to start two new research programs for autoimmune diseases and drug delivery.
Professionelle Translation in Heidelberg – Das BioMed X Institut
Deutsche Biotechnologietage 2021
rotz des technologischen Fortschritts in der medizinischen Grundlagenforschung und des stetig wachsenden Wissens über menschliche Krankheiten, ist die Translation von Forschungsergebnissen in therapeutische Fortschritte immer noch ineffizient.
BioMed X, Janssen Begin Autoimmunity and Drug Delivery Research
Pharma Advancement
German independent research institute BioMed X has initiated two new research projects with Janssen Research & Development, LLC, one of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson. The collaboration aims to address two challenging new research areas.
BioMed X, Janssen Begin Autoimmunity and Drug Delivery Research
Contract Pharma
New research groups, PTA and TMI, aim to combat chronic inflammatory diseases and develop oral delivery of macromolar therapeutics.
BioMed X Institute to launch autoimmunity and drug delivery research programs
BioSpectrum Asia Edition
New research groups in Heidelberg to examine protective tissue factors in autoimmune diseases and the translocation of complex macromolecules across the intestinal epithelial barrier in collaboration with Janssen.
BioMed X Institute Today Announces Two New Research Groups in Autoimmunity and Drug Delivery in Collaboration with Janssen
BioMed X Institute to start two new research programs in the field of autoimmune diseases and drug delivery. New research groups in Heidelberg to examine protective tissue factors in autoimmune diseases and the translocation of complex macromolecules across the intestinal epithelial barrier.
BioMed X Institute to launch autoimmunity and drug delivery research programs
New research groups in Heidelberg to examine protective tissue factors in autoimmune diseases and the translocation of complex macromolecules across the intestinal epithelial barrier in collaboration with Janssen
BioMed X to research autoimmune diseases and drug delivery with Janssen
BioMed X Institute is to start two new research programs in the field of autoimmune diseases and drug delivery in collaboration with Janssen.