Interested in new career perspectives at the interface between academia and industry?
Our BioMed X Career Space enables you to apply for research career opportunities at the interface between academia and industry at our BioMed X Institutes in Heidelberg and New Haven, our XSeed Labs and our partner locations world-wide. As part of this community, we will keep you updated about future calls for application and job offers. You can always come back, update your profile, and submit a new application.
Open Calls for Application
New Strategies for Targeting of Solid Tumors with Multi-Specific Biologics
1 Group Leader
2 Postdoctoral Researchers
2 Research Assistants
Generative AI for Novel Target Combinations
1 Scientist Founder
2 Scientist Co-Founders
BioMed X Webinars
How to Write a Great Project Proposal – Christian Tidona, Founder & Managing Director BioMed X
BioMed X & Ono Pharma – New Strategies to Engage Neutrophils in Solid Tumors
BioMed X & Servier – New Strategies to Target Autoreactive Plasma Cells
Living & Working in Israel – Mati Gill, CEO, AION Labs