In the Media
Are you looking for the latest media coverage of the BioMed X Institute, its research projects and people behind the innovation model? Here you will find the latest clippings – hot off the press!
Big pharma finds Israel’s drug development role
AION Labs will set Israeli computing talent to solving international pharma companies’ problems. CEO Mati Gill and adviser Christian Tidona explain.
Merck, BioMedX Institute collaboratively complete 4th project in Oncology
Medical Dialogues
German independent research institute BioMed X has recently announced the successful completion of the research project DNA Damage in Cancer (DDC) in collaboration with Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.
Seeding Biomedical Innovations
Business Focus Magazine
BioMed X is an independant research institue located within the campus environment of the university of Heidelberg in Germany.
AION Labs’ Challenge To AI Drug Development Innovators
BioProcess Online
Mati Gill’s exposure to the power of pharma collaboration can’t be overstated. During his 11 years as COO of the Global Legal Group, and later, head of government affairs, corporate & international markets at Teva Pharmaceuticals, he was exposed to virtually every aspect of the business.